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10am - 12noon

The effective processing of personal data at town and parish council level is key to efficient handling of subject access requests, among other things.


This  2-hour online course covers the essential elements of data protection legislation, featuring the GDPR. It will also tell you what you need to do to create a credible privacy framework, and how to deal with enquiries. 


Thursday 5 June 2025


Held online


Phil Brown


£52 subscribers | £65 non-subscribers

Course content

Understanding information systems

The most relevant legislation and what is the incentive to get it right

The concepts of privacy, confidentiality and data protection

Understanding personal data and the different types

Who the key ‘players’ are in data protection

The principles and lawful bases of data protection and how they work for councils

Data rights and subject access requests

Understanding data breaches and the council’s obligations to report

What you should have in your council’s privacy framework, including privacy notices

The pros and cons of use of own devices and the pitfalls of CCTV

Top tips for a quieter data protection life

There will be opportunities to ask questions throughout the session

Your Tutor:  Phil Brown, a data protection specialist who has 4 years of experience working with Norfolk based parish councils and has been a parish councillor himself. This means the course is not just about aspects of the law, but provides the approach to managing personal data, in all its forms, from the point of collection to the point of deletion or destruction.

This course is recommended for all clerks and councillors involved in compliance.


We'll send you a link via email a day or two before the session is due to be held, so you can just click on the link to join in. You'll need a laptop, tablet or smartphone with a camera; if you haven't tried this technology before that's fine - we'll happily conduct a quick test session with you the day before if you like.

Surprisingly enjoyable!

Thank you so much for all the hard work the girls of NPTS do to help Parish Clerks - I don't know what we would without you! As always the training with Julie was extremely helpful and I will use the documents to present the information on Data Protection to my council for their discussion.

This was one of the best sessions I have attended, and I have been on lots!

I learnt enough to confidently review our council's documentation and ensure that all councillors are aware.

Excellent and informative, I now feel (slightly) less daunted by it all!

Very good and lots of handouts which is most helpful.

Thank you for an excellent course, as always!

Excellent, provides comfort ahead of the task.

Very good, lots of things explained – would definitely ask councillors to attend.

Great training session, really useful, informative and applicable. Excellent and knowledgeable tutor. Thank you!


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