Mautby Parish Council (serving Runham, Mautby and Thrigby) is looking for an enthusiastic and self-motivated person to fill the role of Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer.
Main duties include:
arranging, publicising and attending bi-monthly Council meetings. Meetings are currently on the last Wednesday bi-monthly at 7.30pm at Runham Village Hall;
preparing agendas, documentation for meetings, and writing minutes;
implementing the Council's decisions;
acting as the Responsible Financial Officer including managing the Council's finances, including preparing the annual budget, payment of invoices, reclaiming VAT, arranging insurance, running payroll, completing end of year accounts and the annual audit process;
maintaining Council files and records;
monitoring and advising on local planning applications and communicating decisions;
attending to correspondence on a day-to-day basis, including liaising with District and County Councils, local organisations and the public as required;
managing and updating the Council website and notice board;
managing Council assets and arranging maintenance where appropriate.
ensuring current legislation and procedures are adhered to by informing and advising the Council and updating Council policies, processes and risk assessments;
monitoring and updating the Council's key operating documents such as standing orders, code of conduct, GDPR etc and develop and produce policies as necessary
attending training as required.
Local Government experience and holding the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) is desirable but not essential. Support and training will be offered.
The post is for 3 hours a week and home based. The Council provides expenses and a working from home allowance.
The salary will be paid in accordance with experience and in line with the National Joint Council Salary Scale rates and will be up to SCP20 (currently £16.37 per hour) dependent on experience and qualifications.
For further information on the role please contact the Clerk, mautbyparishcouncil@gmail.com or call 01493 253041.
To apply, please email your CV and covering letter of application to mautbyparishcouncil@gmail.com.