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NPTS maintains a library of template documents and topic briefings that can be downloaded and adapted or used as required by subscribing councils. 

NPTS maintains its resource library in the cloud, using a service called Box. The library is accessed via the Resources Page on this site or directly via the web at > NPTS DOCUMENTS.


You will need a Box login to gain access - something that is quick and easy to create. Subscribers receive an email from NPTS (via Box) with a Go to Folder button in it. If you haven't received the email or have lost it, just let us know and we'll re-send it for you.


Click on that button in the email and fill in the details on the screen, then press submit:


  • Name (can be your name or your Council's name)

  • Email address (the one that you use for the Council)

  • Password (a new one that you create)

  • Phone number and country are optional


This will then take you into the box screen with various welcome messages and tips for using it. You can continue to access from here, or you can just close this window and go to the Resources Page.


You will be asked to Sign In To Your Account. Press the Secure Log In button, enter the email address and password that you created and you have access! Next time you visit the site - depending on your browser - you either won't need to log in or it will remember your details and just require a button push. To check that you're a real person and not a robot, Box also sometimes has a little graphic where you are asked to drag the white cloud over the grey cloud.




When you access the resources page and are logged in, you will see a view of the available folders and files.


Click on a folder to open it. Click on a file to preview it, or on the three dots to choose to download it for your use. You can also search across the library by clicking on the search icon.

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